May 30, 2017

Boyfriend of woman with TWO vaginas reveals all about their se3x life


A lot of people probably wouldn't take kindly to their other half divulging all about their se3x life - especially with strangers on the internet.

But one couple have done just that, and have piqued the curiosity of thousands of people.

So what makes their se3x life so extraordinary that people need to know? Surely, in this day and age, most have us have seen and heard it all before?

In the case of NurseryRN and twicethefunn (their Reddit aliases), their se3x life is a little different to most other people's.

NurseryRN was born with a "complete uterine didelphys", a condition wherein a woman has a double uterus, with two cervixes and in the case of NurseryRN - two vaginas.

And after her hugely popular Reddit 'Ask Me Anything', her boyfriend has stepped in to give his no-holds-barred perspective.

"My girlfriend has two vaginas"

Although it seems twicethefunn (we see what he did there) opened himself up to a lot of explicit chat and questioning, many users were genuinely curious and raised some interesting questions.

So what were his first thoughts when he found out?

"This sounds fun."

Probably could have guessed that'd be his answer. As for how he found out, the man in question explained:

"Well, before we started dating she mentioned she had two of something most girls don't. More from source

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